A Look at the Cause why Millions of People Idolize Famous Celebrities

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I've at no time been one to hero worship famous celebrities. Television and film star, dick automobile recording artists and other celebrities are merely people like everyone else. But I consider it's healthy to idolise, or at least admire, some people. It all comes down to the rationalities. As I was studying Darren Rowses post about a loving devotee that near attacked him at Blogworld, I realised there's nothing wrong with having heroes. I'll explain to you right now that I practically stalk Chris Brogan (he even said so in my signed copy of Trust Agents). I'd drive half a day or fly halfway across the nation to hear him talk. Is it because he's a World Wide Web superstar? Because he has 100,000 followers? Because he's a social media expert? No, it's because he went out of his way to be a ally to me, for no other cause than he is a good person who really wants to help people.

I feel the same about Darren Rowse, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jason Falls, Ted Murphy and others. I'd sooner hang out with these guys than famous celebrities any day of the week. I'd drive my car coast to coast making it possible to spend a couple of hours with Stephen Covey. His school of thought and book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People literally modified the course of my life. I studied his book over ten years ago when I was 18, and it totally altered my future and priorities. It's not just people in this industry either. My biggest hero ever was my grandpa. When I was a young boy I spent the summertimes with him and worked in his body shop for $1 day (which wasn't even decent money way back then!). He was a lot more concerned with assisting people than with making profits. I vividly recollect once when a single mother wrecked her car. Her only method of transport. She didn't have the money to mend the car, so my grandad paid for the parts and repaired her car. For free. He informed her she could pay him back when she had the money (which he never anticipated, he just didn't want her to feel like she was getting a hand-out). I look up to his strength of character, his compassionateness. He was never rich or famous but he was my hero. Don't idolise people because they pretend on camera for a living. Dont revere famous celebrities because they're the next pop sensation. Don't worship people because they're popular or rich, worship them because they help people or do something worthwhile with their life. If youre going to look up to someone, if you're going to have a hero, be sure you pick them for the proper reasons.

Math games for kids don't have to be daunting -- in fact, these are fun and challenging. There are plenty of games from brain-teasers, simple addition, sorting shapes, to a game to play along with while watching television. The best part is that your kids can play some of these math games either alone or with friends. Many of the games have variations, so if they complete one part of the game, there are bound to be other options. Create a three-dimensional pyramid composed entirely of hundreds of pennies. Find out if different denominations of a dollar weigh different amounts. See if your children can figure out exactly how many squares are found on a simple checkerboard. Your children can compete against their friends to see who can draw triangles the fastest. Find numbers zero through ten in numerical order by surfing the television. Your kids can design a large maze for their friends to complete.

Use a cardboard egg carton for your kids to play this counting game that originated in Africa. By using unsharpened pencils, your children will be amazed at all the shapes and designs they can create. Try to find the 12 shapes your children can make with using five squares cut out of construction paper. Figure out how many toothpicks it takes to make one, two, or even three squares. Build three-dimensional geometric shapes with just modeling clay and toothpicks. With a piece of wood, nails, and rubber bands, your children can create shapes over and over again. Colorful card stock cut into triangles will allow your kids to create numerous shapes and designs. Keep reading for your kids to learn how to find pairs of items right in your own backyard. Do your kids ever notice how many items can be found two-by-two in nature? Walk around your neighborhood to find numerous natural pairs.


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