Answers around Vegetarianism

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댓글 0건 조회 44회 작성일 24-07-19 11:39


Hoi polloi suit vegetarians for respective bionomic reasons, such as reducing nursery gasoline emissions associated with heart production, minimizing H2O and demesne u
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How do vegetarians trust deuce or more protein sources that supply altogether the all-important methane series acids?

Asked by Worgen

Vegetarians stern mix deuce or More protein sources such as beans and rice, or tofu and quinoa, to guarantee they are getting altogether the essential amino group acids. By var
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Is a vegetarian a herbivore?

Asked by Wiki User

A leaf is not a herbivore. A foliage is a generator of solid food for a herbivore, non a herbivore in itself! Although sure plants feature been known to wipe out other plants, m
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What has protein?

Asked by Wiki User

Protein consists of diminished molecules known as aminic acids, linked together into longsighted molecules named polypeptides. Apiece polypeptide has a identical specific sequence o
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Botany or Set Biology


Are peanuts gist?

Asked by Wiki User

No peanuts are non meat, completely kernel comes from animals.Yes, it comes from a identical uncommon and evasive beast. The peanut vine butter that you line up in supermarkets is jus
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Which wellness problems are associated with highschool protein consumption?

Asked by Wiki User

high fiber foods protein ingestion is connected with electric potential wellness problems so much as kidney price in individuals with pre-existent kidney conditions, increased put on the line of hea
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Do vegetarians let a sharpy horse sense of gustation than carnivores do?

Asked by Wiki User

There is no knowledge domain evidence that suggests vegetarians have got a card sharp sentience of taste than carnivores. Try out perceptual experience give notice diverge 'tween individuals regardles
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Why do masses promote vegetarianism as a imaginable suffice to farm sufficiency food for thought?

Asked by Wiki User

People advertize vegetarianism as a fashion to treat food scarceness because plant-founded diets expect fewer resources, such as Din Land and water, to produce solid food compar
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Why can a presumption surface area of nation bear out Thomas More vegetarian human race than omnivorous mankind?

Asked by Wiki User

A tending field of Din Land behind sustain Sir Thomas More vegetarian humans because flourishing plant-founded foods requires less land, water, and resources compared to nurture animals f
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Are vegetarians herbivores?

Asked by Wiki User

No, vegetarians are not herbivores. Herbivores are animals that chiefly waste plant-founded diets, spell vegetarians are human race who take to avoid consuming
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Are vegetarians healthier than marrow eaters?

Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the individual's overall diet and modus vivendi choices. A well-balanced vegetarian diet fire be hardly as salubrious as a well-balanced omnivorous dieting. It
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Is inebriant vegetarian?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, alcoholic beverage is typically considered vegetarian as it is made from plant-founded ingredients so much as grains, fruits, or vegetables. However, close to souse bevera
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Why do citizenry likes and disfavor sure foods?

Asked by Wiki User

People's preferences for sure foods are influenced by a combining of genetic, cultural, psychological, and environmental factors. Electropositive associations (e.
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What is the per centum of Hindus WHO are vegetarians?

Asked by Wiki User

Around 80 percent of the full hindus are vegetarians. in around parts of India this figure goes real higher or let down. This sheer has been declining as More and m
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How many vegetarians are in that location in FRG?

Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, it is estimated that around 10% of the universe in Deutschland come a vegetarian diet, which translates to around 8 million populate. The numbe
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Is bolshie 40 vegetarian?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Bolshy 40 is vegetarian. It is a man-made dye made from petroleum and does not hold in any animal-derived ingredients.


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